New Inspiration 2024!

New Inspiration 2024!

What a great start we had in 2024. With new positive energy we launched our new website, build a great landing page and released a promotional video to reach new people.

The response was overwhelming but also a surprise for us all. My team was very busy responding to everybody and keep all these connections close to us.
And before January is over, we already met so many new people. Lots of artist connected with us and we are inspired more than ever to make our platform big and inspirational.

As you know we also work with different artist to make different design in our products and so I met some new designers last week to see if they would be interested to make their own collection in our shop. We see this as a great opportunity to work together and I enjoyed their stories so much!
One of my missions in showing different designs in Forever Collage get some historical designs of tribes around the world and make it in home decoration products. We then use that beautiful design so it does not goes lost in modern world and at the same time show people designs that they would never see otherwise. A win-win.

And at last, we decided to spent an afternoon to get to know a new technique in collage art; the Gelli plate.
With leaves and photo’s, we spend a few hours in the studio together and played with the mono print plates, paint and paper. We not only made some very colorful designs, but we realized again how much fun it is to be creative together and get inspired to make new designs.
I advise everybody to discover the Gelli plate and discover this new technique, it is so much fun to do and rewarding!

We hope you have the time to go to the Affordable art fair in Brussels, you will love it!

Have a great week!

Bernadet Bijsterbosch